State. If one desires to enter on either the production of citrus fruits or the production of honey (and they go together beautifully), he would better secure employment, if he needs it, in some line of occupation outside of beekeeping. There are many chances to get a position with some garage, or as an orange-picker or packer, carpenter, or paper hanger, etc. In the meantime, the prospective orange-grower or beekeeper can begin the building up of a grove or an apiary, and finally swing over into his chosen line altogether. In this way he will not make the mistake, that so many do, of rushing into a poor location, or into a business that he knows little about, at least in its special features. He will thus also be enabled to know whether the climate agrees with him, or not. It does not uniformly agree with all. It hardly needs to be added, that the prospective beekeeper should locate in some region where no other beekeeper has already pre-empted the location. There are plenty of good locations for beekeepers without crowding upon a beekeeper who has already settled and is working a good location. Bees can usually be bought in small lots from farmer beemen or some beekeeper that for any reason desires to sell; or combless bees can be purchased from further north.

In choosing a location in Florida it will be advisable to find a place abounding in the orange, the tupelo, the palmetto, or the pennyroyal. Then, if other sources are found to supplement the flow from any one of the four, a reasonable return from beekeeping can be expected.