gathering and caring for and marketing the crop. As already stated, the opposite is true, as on account of the comparative length of the season bees require attention nearly the entire year. This does not mean daily attention, as with chickens, but weekly or fortnightly, depending on conditions. A successful beekeeper must know when to expect the honey flows, and prepare six or seven weeks before to get his colonies into a condition in which they will produce results. This is done in various ways and cannot be described fully in a small booklet. It is entirely covered in such a book as the A B C and X Y Z of Bee Culture, written by A. I. Root and his son, E. R. Root, and published by The A. I. Root Company, Medina, Ohio. It might be added that the secret of success in getting a honey crop in Florida as elsewhere lies in having colonies strong enough at the right time.


Many inquiries come in from all sides regarding the best places in Florida to locate an orange grove or a bee-yard. And no single answer can be given! The only reply that can wisely be made is to say that every prospective dweller in the State should first go south and see for himself. The number of •commercial beekeepers, specialists in the industry, is not so large as in many northern States, and so not much help is required to harvest the crops of honey. There are, therefore, few opportunities for beekeepers in the North, contemplating a trip to Florida, to secure a job in helping some beekeeper in Florida during the months that tourists haunt the