The queens wear out more rapidly in Florida, and annual requeening is needed for best results. But little eomb honey is produced in the entire State, and this fact also tends to decrease the profitable longevity of the queens. Disease until recently was almost unknown, but has lately become a serious menace. In 1915-16 American foul brood hit the State from some unknown source and spread with astonishing rapidity. New and more stringent foul-brood legislation was evoked by the swift strides of the infection, and now Florida has as good bee laws as any other State. In justice to the beekeepers now in Florida, we would urge that anyone who contemplates beekeeping firmly resolve to do it right or not at all. Florida is not yet over run with bee diseases, and praiseworthy efforts are being made to keep out the two most serious diseases. European and American foul brood. In fact, bees cannot be shipped into the State without being properly inspect ed and passed.

Moth millers and big red ants are a pest in Florida. A full set of combs, if exposed, will be eaten up by the moth in a week, and a strong colony of bees can be destroyed over night by the giant red ant. But better beekeeping can overcome all the obstacles. Florida is gradually becoming commercial honey-producing State and offers good opportunities to the beekeeper who will study bee behavior and local conditions and then combine the two into good beekeeping practice.

From what has been stated it is clearly not intended that the reader should think bees need to care in Florida other than that of