royal, all but one are produced from trees. So far as honey production, therefore, is concerned, Florida is not so much a “Land of Flowers” as it is a land of trees!


Taking the State as a whole, the good locations for honey production on a commercial scale are limited to certain areas. Certain parts of the State are utterly worthless from a beekeeping point of view, and two localities only a few miles apart may be very differ ent in beekeeping possibilities. For this reason it is advisable to defer choosing a location till arrival in Florida, or after correspondence with local county agricultural agents or personal friends. The crops of honey, however, in those locations that are worth while are as dependable as those in the land of the clover, the sage, or the raspberry further north. The problems of the Florida beekeeper are not those of severe winters, but rather of long summers; much of the time bees can fly, often breeding at the expense of stores already gathered, at times when the nectar coming in from the blossoms is not sufficient to do more than stimulate brood-rearing. The orange-blossom period is very similar to the clover-blossom period in its main characteristic. Both come after a period of broodless-ness, and the bees build up more rapidly than at any other period of the year. Swarming at such times is more intense both in Florida and the North. Later honey flows do not arouse the swarming instinct to such a pitch, tho some swarming occurs during the later honey flows.