in the southwestern part of the State. The flow often starts as early as November and continues until orange bloom the following spring. When the bees have access to pennyroyal in any considerable quantity it leaves the colonies strong just in time for a bumper crop from orange; migratory beekeeping from pennyroyal to orange locations is capable of wider development and practice than has yet been attained. The honey is truly delicious, clear, thick, of very aromatic odor, and very light colored. The areas of growth of the plant, however, are rather limited.


There are various sources of dark, strong-flavored honeys, that contribute to the total output, notably the sensitive pea (Cassia Chamaeehrista), that grows centrally in the pine woods. It is not a good table honey, but is all right for bakers’ use. Almost all over the State goldenrod (Chrasopsis) and thoroughwort or boneset thrive and contribute to the product of the apiaries. In south Florida the wild sunflower yields very bountifully in the fall. Mr. Poppleton used to harvest bountiful crops of honey from the manchineel (Hippomane Mancinella) on the keys at the southeastern point of the State. The gallberrv, a low-growing species of the holly family, grows pretty generally over the State and contributes not a little to colony development and often yields a surplus of excellent honey.

It is notable, that, of the six choice table honeys of the State, orange, tupelo, saw and cabbage palmetto mangrove, and pennyroyal