bumblebees were caught with an insect net and placed in the cage. It was found that bees would live about three days when confined in the cage and that six bees in confinement would visit approximately as many flowers as one bee would have visited had it worked nearly all the time. With this in mind, two bumblebees were placed in the cage each forenoon until all the clover heads were mature. An area 4 feet square was marked off in this cage as soon as the clover was mature. From this area all heads were collected, kept separate, and threshed by hand. Of the 311 heads collected from this area an average of 30.4 seeds per head was obtained.
In order to gain a check on the results given above a large number of heads of red-clover in the same field were covered with tarlatan during the blooming period. A large number in the cage used for the experiment were also covered. These heads were also collected, kept separate, and threshed out by hand. From many dozen such heads, less than an average of one seed per head was secured. These results covering two years of time in several different localities and giving in every case about the same average results as here stated, goes to show that the value of the bumblebee in the oross-pollination of red-clover is usually underestimated.
Honeybees as cross-pollinators of red-clover.
The ability of the honeybee to cross-pollinate red-clover has been discussed by scientific investigators and beekeepers for some time. Those who do not believe that the honeybee is able to pollinate red-clover base their statements for the most part on the fact that the proboscis of the honeybee is not long enough to reach the nectar located at the base of the staminal tube. Some investigators and beekeepers state that some strains of Italian bees are able to obtain some nectar from