RED CLOVER. (Trifolium) Red-clover is not usually valuable as a honey plant, but is worked by bees for pollen. However, the second crop of red-clover usually has shorter corolla tubes, and occasionally in very dry seasons the tubes are bo short that large yields of honey are obtained in certain localities. Since this happens perhaps only once in ten or fifteen years, red-clover cannot be considered a reliable honey plant.

SPANISH NEEDLE. (Bidens aristosa) The species that are commonly found in swamps are of the most value to the beekeeper. Annual or perennial herbs with ray flowers, usually yellow in color. Yields nectar in September and October. Honey amber, body heavy, flavor somewhat pronounced, and granulates slowly. Various names have been given including beggar's tick and burmarigold.

SWEET CLOVER. (Melitotus alba, and M. officinalis) Biennial herbs, three to ten feet in height. Flowers white in M. alba and yellow in M. officinalis. Flowers in slender recemes from June to October. Honey is slightly green in color, flavor likened to cinnamon. Secretes nectar very freely. Mostly found in waste places in Wisconsin, but is destined to become a forage plant of importance, and serve as a soil renovator. M. alba is the most common and the seed is now offered for sale as are other economic seeds.

WHITE CLOVER. (Trifolium repens) Perennial, creeping branches often taking root at nodes. Blooms from May on, but especially valuable in June and July. Honey is light in color, granulates slowly, and the flavor is superb. It grows in waste places and finds its way into pastures everywhere. For comb-honey production white-clover is not equaled by any other source. Nectar secretion is quickly affected by adverse weather conditions. The honey is often mixed with basswood and in this form is highly prized by the trade.