Gallberry, 128.
Gaylussacia baccata, 77.
Gelsemium sempervirens, 244.
Goldenrod — flat-topped, 131; salt-marsh, 134; tall hairy, 133; tall hairy and white clover with bees, 132.
Gum — black, 227; blue, 123; forest gray, 124.
Hawthorn, 136.
Heartsease, 137.
Heather, 139.
Helenium tenuifolium, 71.
Hieracium aurantiacum, 178.
Holly, American, 140.
Horehound, 144.
Horse-chestnut, 83.
Huckleberry, 77.
Hypericum perforatum, 50.
Ilex — glabra, 128; opaca, 140; verticillata, 141.
Kalmia angustifolia, 171.
Kermes sp., family Coccidae, 29.
Kuhnistera pinnata, 212.
Leonurus Cardiaca, 170.
Lippia nodiflora, 91.
Liriondendron Tulipifera, 225.
Locust, common, 143.
Mangrove, black, 152.
Mangrove, black and red, 151.
Manzanita, 154.
Maple, red — staminate flowers, 157; pistillate flowers, 158; rock or sugar, 156.
Marigold, 159.
Marrubium vulgare, 144.
May-weed, 160.
Medicago hispida, 87; sativa, 59.
Melilotus alba, 214.
Mesquite, 161, 163.
Mexican Clover, 165.
Mignonette, 167.
Milkweed, clip mechanism of, 169; common, 168.
Motherwort, 170.
Mustard, black, 173; common, yellow, 174.
Nepeta Cataria, 93.
Nyssa biflora, 227.
Oak, red, 46.
Onobrychis sativa, 202.
Orange blossoms, 176.
Orange hawkweed, 178.
Oreodoxa regia, 180.
Oxydendrum arboreum, 205.
Palmetto, scrub, 183; in bud, 184.
Palm, royal, 180.
Partridge-pea, 185.
Phacelia, 189; tanacetifolia, 189.
Pine-leaf scale, 31.
Plantago major, 47.
Plantain, common, 47.
Polygonum Persicaria, 137.
Poplar, large-toothed, 49.
Populus grandidentata, 49.
Prosopis glandulosa, 161; juliflora, 163.
Purple Vervain, 230.
Purple Vetch, 233.
Pussy Willow, 236.
Quercus rubra, 46.
Rabbit-brush, 192.
Raspberry, 193.
Reseda odorata, 167.
Rhus typhina, 208, 209.
Richardia scabra, 165.
Robinia Pseudo-Acacia, 143.
Rubus allegheniensis, 73; idaeus var.
aculeatissimus, 193.
Sabal Megacarpa, 183, 184.
Sabal palmetto, 181, 182.
Sage — black, 197; purple, 198; white, 199.
Sainfoin, common, 202.
St. John’s-wort, common, 50.
Salix alba, 238; discolor 24, 236; nutallii, 239.
Salvia apiana, 199; mellifera, 197.
Shadbush, 203.
Sheep Laurel, 171.
Smartweed, 137.
Solidago graminifolia, 131; rugosa, 132, 133; sempervirens, 134.
Sourwood, 205.
Staghorn sumac — staminate flowers, 208; pistillate flowers, 209.
Stamens and pistils, 4.
Sumac, staghorn, 208, 209.
Summer Farewell, 212.
Sweet Pepperbush, 99.
Taraxicum officinale, 121.
Thornbush, 136.
Tilia americana, 68, 69.
Titi, black or spring, 222.
Trifolium hybridum, 100, 132; incarnatum, 107; pratense, 109; procumbens, 111; repens, 106, 132.
Tulip tree, 225.
Typha latifolia, 26.
Ulmus americana, 44.
Vaccinium macrocarpon, 119; pennsylvanicum, 76.
Velvet bean, 231.
Verbena hastata, 230.
Viburnum dentatum, 75.
Vicia Cracca, 233.
Virginia Clematis or creeper, 98.
Willow, 239; pussy, 24; white, 238.
Willow-herb, 240, 241.
Yellow Jessamine, 244.