SUMMER FAREWELL (Kuhnistera pinnata). — This plant, which grows on the high pine land, is rapidly becoming known in Florida as an excellent source of nectar. The small white flowers appear in late summer and fall, when there is little else in bloom on which bees can work. The honey is light-colored and granulates quickly.

SUNFLOWER. — The name is rather loosely applied to various species of Compositae growing abundantly in the lower half of the state, especially in low land in Seminole and Volusia counties. There are thousands of acres. They are in bloom from September to the early part of November, but are not reliable honey plants. The honey is not classed as first grade.

TITI (Cliftonia monophylla). — A small shrub with shining leaves and white flowers. Common in swamps and along streams in the Apalachicola River section of west Florida. Sometimes 30 feet tall. The honey is red and strong, but good for building up colonies for the tupelo flow.

TUPELO (Nyssa aquatica). — Large tree, very abundant along the Apalachicola and Flint rivers. The small white flowers in good weather are wonderful nectar-yielders. Blooms in April. The light-colored honey has an excellent flavor and does not granulate.

WONDER-PLANT (Penstemon laevigatas). — Commonly called smooth beard-tongue. A perennial herbaceous plant growing in sandy soil and blooming in late summer. The reddish white tubular flowers have yielded a good surplus during the three years it has been under observation.


Agave decipiens. — Lower Keys. March to May. No surplus.

Avicennia nitida. — Black mangrove. All Keys. May to June. Surplus not dependable.

Crysobalanus Icaco. — Cocoa plum. April to November.

Citrus Limetta. — Lime. Lower Keys. February to May. A small surplus. Coccolobis uvifera. — Sea-grape. All Keys. March and April. Surplus. Conocarpus erecta. Buttonwood. All Keys. July and August. Surplus. Crotalaria pumila. — Upper Keys. January, February, and sometimes later. Pollen and nectar.

Elaphrium Simaruba. — Gum elemi. Gumbo-limbo. Lower Keys. April and May. Surplus.

Ichthyomenthia piscipula. Jamaica dogwood. Lower Keys. March, April, and May. Surplus.

Laguncularia racemosa. — White mangrove. All Keys. May and June. Surplus. Lysiloma bahamensis. — Wild tamarind. March and April. Lower Keys. Melothria crassifolia. — Creeping cucumber. Upper Keys. All summer. Metopium toxiferum. — Poisonwood. Coral-sumac. Doctor-gum. All Keys. February to April. Surplus.

Mikania cordifolia. Climbing hempweed. Upper Keys. May to December. Surplus.

Pithelobium guadalupensis. — Black bead. Upper Keys. October and November. Surplus.

Portulaca oleracea. — All Keys. Summer and autumn. Surplus.

Portulaca phaeosperma. — Purslane. All Keys. Summer and autumn. Surplus. Sabal Palmetto. — Cabbage palmetto. Upper Keys. June and July. Good surplus.

Serrenoa serrulata. — Saw palmetto. Lower Keys. March to May. Good surplus.