numbers 100, and another 63 colonies; a surplus of 40 to 60 pounds is obtained. The honey plants are willows, maples, dandelion, raspberry, clover, and goldenrod, which yield a nearly continuous flow from May 15 to Sept. 15. Basswood has not blossomed for several years, and is of little value. In one year there was a good flow from orange hawkweed — never known to occur before in central Maine.

The western part of the state is very hilly, and reaches an altitude of 2000 feet above sea level. Apiaries range from 5 to 20 colonies, with perhaps an average of 19. Lewiston, Woodstock, and Bethel are fair locations for 25 to 50 colonies. In this section of the state this industry is increasing. The honey plants are similar to those already enumerated, but buttonbush is of value near the swamps.

The northern slope, except along the eastern border, has so gentle a descent, and is so poorly drained that it is largely covered with swamps and lakes, and is of little importance to bee culture. The eastern part of Aroostook County, in which there is the largest undivided area of arable land in New England, is far the best section of Maine for beekeeping. Yards of 30 colonies are common, and there are a few of one hundred or more. In the vicinity of Presque Isle there are from five to six hundred colonies. The surplus is gathered chiefly from white clover and alsike clover, which bloom from June 15 to the middle of August. There is no dependable flow in the fall; but raspberry, goldenrod, and willow-herb are important in localities. The nights are so cold when goldenrod blooms that little nectar is usually secreted; but a fair flow may be expected about once in four years. The long winters are, however, a serious drawback, as the bees are confined to the hives from November 20 to May 1, and the springs are late and variable.

There is a profusion of wild currants, gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries throughout much of the state. The pussy willow, riverbank willow and white willow, red maple, rock or sugar maple, choke cherry, wild red cherry and black cherry, haw, sumac, black locust, cornels, Viburnum, and apple trees are abundant. White clover and alsike clover succeed inland better than on the coast. The bushy goldenrod and tall hairy goldenrod are the most valuable species of Solidago. Asters are of little importance; but A. paniculata attracts many bees. Basswood, boneset, Canada thistle, heartsease, milkweed, and sweet clover are rare or devoid of nectar. Dandelion in southern Maine is valuable chiefly for pollen.


Total area, 9341 square miles. Physiographically the state may be divided into three sections — the region of the White Mountains, or Grafton and Carroll counties; northern New Hampshire, or Coos County; and the region south of the White Mountains, which includes seven counties. The total number of colonies of bees is very small, and there are no apiaries which number more than 50 colonies. Beekeeping is pursued only as a side line. The larger apiaries are located in the vicinity of the Connecticut River; but there are many small yards in the valley of the Merrimac and in the southern portions of the state. Along the coast there is a belt about three miles wide which is unsuitable for beekeeping.

The north-central portion of the state, a rudely circular area of 1400 square miles, is occupied by the White Mountains, a group of round-topped mountains which were formerly densely forested with spruce and pine. Where the land has been cleared and burned over, wild raspberry, willow-herb, and low and high blueberries furnish fairly good bee pasturage.

Northern New Hampshire, or Coos County, is crossed by numerous mountainous ridges which are separated by wide rolling valleys. At Colebrook, within