bees work on the bloom very diligently, but it yields nectar only sparingly. Although the bloom lasts for thirty days, it is seldom that more than two supers, or 50 pounds of honey, are secured. A sample of the honey from Mt. Pleasant, Alabama, is a dark reddish-amber color, with a pleasant characteristic fragrance. It has a good body and a mild flavor, which was more pronounced when it was first gathered. It is considered a good table honey. Summer titi.

TOBACCO (Nicotiana Tabacum). — There are about 50 species of this genus, all of which, with the exception of two species, are natives of America. The source of the larger part of the tobacco of commerce is N. Tabacum, a coarse, rank-growing annual, with a single unbranched stalk, 6 feet or more tall, bearing large, oblong leaves covered with long soft hairs which exude a viscid juice. The stem terminates in a cluster of rose-colored flowers, which have a funnel-formed corolla 2 inches long. Nectar is secreted at the bottom of this tube on the lower side of the ovary. The flower is adapted to pollination by butterflies and moths; and in Jamaica 100 moths, belonging to several species, were observed to visit the bloom during three evenings. Gould saw humming-birds visit the blossoms in Mexico. But the throat of the corolla-tube is somewhat inflated so that honeybees are able to creep within and gather nectar. If the flowers hang downward the nectar flows toward the entrance and is in consequence more easily gathered. In a neglected field of tobacco in Porto Rico, full of grass and weeds, in which both the leaves and flowers inclined downward, honeybees were observed gathering nectar abundantly; while in adjoining fields, which were well cultivated, the flowers stood erect and not a bee was seen on the bloom.

At White Plains, N. C., the farmers, in 1919, for the first time let their tobacco bloom late in the season. A large quantity of nectar was gathered. The unripened honey had the flavor of green tobacco. Hundreds of acres of tobacco with myriads of flowers are offered to honeybees, and they store honey as rapidly as during the earlier flow.

In Connecticut the honey flow from tobacco comes between the flows from buckwheat and fall flowers. Thus beekeepers need not fear the storing of tobacco honey, as the sections of early honey have been removed before it begins to yield, and it is largely used for winter, insuring a good fall flow, which in this state has been the exception rather than the rule. As a winter food for bees it is open to no objection. A cool dry summer checks the secretion of nectar to a great extent. One hundred pounds per colony in sections have been reported from this source. The honey has a dark brownish color and compares not unfavorably with buckwheat honey. No disagreeable results follow its free use in the family as an article of food. Sections of tobacco honey are reported to sell as well as any of the darker grades of honey.

TOCALOTE. — See Napa Thistle.

TOOTHACHE-TREE. — See Prickly Ash.

TORNILLO (Strombocarpa odorata). — Screw bean. A common large shrub in the river valleys in the southern portion of New Mexico, with pinnate leaves and yellow flowers in crowded spikes. A minor honey plant in New Mexico. The pods contain a large amount of sugar and are very sweet.

TOYON. — See Christmas Berry.

TREE OF HEAVEN (Ailanthus glandulosa). — Chinese sumac. Varnish tree. Introduced from Asia, and widely cultivated for ornament, but growing wild in the eastern United States. In Texas and California the greenish white flowers, which open in June, yield an abundance of poorly flavored nectar. The staminate flowers are ill-scented. The pinnate leaves also bear nectaries.


TULIP TREE (Liriodendron Tulipifera). — Other vernacular names are white-