Fig. 54. — Dandelion (Taxaricum officinale). The blossom here shown is larger than the average. The usual size is about two inches across. Photographed by E. R. Root.

Fig. 54. — Dandelion (Taxaricum officinale). The blossom here shown is larger than the average. The usual size is about two inches across. Photographed by E. R. Root.

scanty; but honeybees visit the bloom frequently to gather pollen, which is abundant. The grains are large, many-sided, and spinose, and so firmly do they hold together that bees can carry large packets of them.

DEWBERRY. — See Blackberry.

DEWDROP, GOLDEN (Durantia Plumieri). -— An introduced plant for hedges; very attractive to bees.

DOGBANE (Apocynum cannabinum). — Indian hemp. This species grows 2 to 3 feet tall and bears many clusters of small bell-shaped flowers. An acre of this plant near Cleveland, Ohio, was constantly visited by bees and other insects from