Honey Facts

Honey is a wholesome, natural food.
It keeps indefinitely, if stored in a warm, dry place.
It gives sweetness plus flavor.
It may wisely be substituted for sugar or molasses.
It is a highly energy giving food; especially easily assimilated.
It contains small amounts of mineral matter and vitamins.
It possess slight laxative properties and helps many with constipation.
For those OVER-WEIGHT, used moderately, it gives some sweet without fear of the heavy fat production of cane sugar.
It is an ideal milk modifier (plus water) for infants.
It will not harbor bacteria and actually kills them (by hygroscopic action).

Most all pure honeys granulate in time, some hard, some ‘mush like’; beat or ‘work’ a granulated honey and you make a delicious, fine-grain ‘spread’ of it. Any granulated honey can be reduced to its original consistency and flavor by heating in a waterbath at 125° F. for a half hour or more. Heating above 130° F. removes some of its delicate aroma and flavor.