are finding that from 40 to 50 pounds of stores are not too much for rapid rearing of the spring brood, the bees that are to make the colony during March and early April when the oranges are in bloom, and every worker bee counts. Queens stop breeding if the supply . of stores falls below 15 pounds or thereabouts, and a direct loss of honey results when storing time comes, for the bees are not there to gather the surplus. It is impossible to make bricks without straw or to gather surplus without the numerical strength of colony to do it. 3. Too many colonies lack vigorous queens, especially young queens. Young queens will lay faster in the spring anil later in the fall, thus insuring a larger colony at the time most needed, that is, about the end of February. 4. The fourth and most important of all the obstacles to powerful colonies in time for orange-honey getting is the failure to see that every colony has ample room for breeding in the months of January and February. It takes at least six weeks to get a strong colony, and so the beekeeper must begin his colony up building at latest by mid-January, if he counts on a crop of orange-blossom honey. But when all essential conditions are met, an average crop of 50 to 75 pounds per colony is obtainable. Good beekeepers are getting more than that average. But the “let-alone beekeepers” seldom know what orange-blossom honey tastes like, for they get none! The getting of good honey crops of the honey flows, from citrus trees is not essentially different (save in the seasons) from that of regions in the clover belt farther north.